The DLP begins with an virtual two-day training session, followed by structured, interactive, distance learning that will allow you to develop a strategic plan or advance an ongoing project focused on quality, equity, and inclusion.
The goal of the DLP is to provide you with tools that can be immediately deployed within your organization. That’s why we ask every participant to enter the DLP program with the intention to either develop a year-long strategic plan that will be used as a blueprint for improving equity, or to advance a component of a specific project to address disparities. A project can be continuing an initiative already in progress or taking the first step on a new initiative.
Examples include:
Implementing a system to collect patients’ race and other social determinants of health data;
Creating an “equity dashboard” to report quality data stratified by race and other social determinants of health;
Developing a training program to address unconscious bias;
Evaluating a disparity/equity quality improvement intervention; or
Partnering with community to become an anchor institution.

Addressing disparities and improving the value of health care requires leadership, vision, teamwork, and an understanding of the problem and potential solutions. The DLP is designed to build your knowledge and skills in these key areas while connecting you with other leaders and organizations working toward the same goal.
As a DLP participant, you’ll gain tools you can apply immediately at your organization to improve health equity:
A Strong Network of Peer Leaders
You’ll collaborate with other like-minded individuals dedicated to solving this problem. You’ll be able to leverage crowdsourcing, share strategies, and walk away with valuable lessons learned. DLP alumni report that their peer network helps them access resources and reaffirm their path forward long after they complete our program.
Strategies for Organizational Change
Our program will help you articulate the ways equity is linked to the bigger picture of value and health care reform. You’ll leave better able to make the case for change and garner the support of key stakeholders within your organization. The majority of our alumni report that the program gave them a new vision of their role as a health care leader able to foster meaningful change.
A Clear Path Forward
You’ll identify techniques and strategies that can be immediately deployed to address disparities within your organization. By tackling real-world situations through DLP projects, you’ll leave with concrete steps and a plan of action.
Critical Support
Through your project work and your DLP peer network, you will receive practical support and feedback that will help you to build and refine strategies long after your DLP year is over.
“What the DLP has done is to awaken a part of me. It brought me to an awareness level that has made me more well-rounded... This program has made me think about patients and families differently, it has helped me think about the community differently, making my work with the community much stronger. It has made me more sensitive and appreciative of differences. It has made me much stronger as a leader."
- DLP Alum
We recognize that our participants are juggling many responsibilities and have therefore streamlined our program to be flexible and easily fit into your schedule.
Dates of the web-based calls with the class will be released prior to the kick-off meeting so you can block the time in your calendar. These meetings are recorded and archived and accessible at your convenience in case you can’t attend. The virtual kick-off meeting is two days, and the closing closing meeting is one day. While these have been in-person meetings in the past, the 2021 kick-off meeting will be virtual in light of COVID-19, thus reducing the time commitment.
We also encourage DLP participants to choose an existing project or something they are currently tasked with so that it integrates well with your current responsibilities (rather than an extra add on). Since you will be working on a live plan or project for your organization, you’ll be learning even as you accomplish goals you’re tasked with meeting. Lastly, we recommend a team of 2 or more to distribute the time commitment by sharing it with another team member.
At $11,500 per person, the DLP is a smart investment to ensure your organization is ready for the changes ahead. This fee covers all program activities, including all training sessions and program materials.
Scholarships: Partial scholarships may be available for individuals and teams from public hospitals, Medicaid health plans, and community health centers. Other organizations may be considered but are given lower priority. If you require tuition assistance, please include a separate letter of request on your organization’s letterhead with your completed application. Please include the amount of tuition assistance requested for your organization and explain your need for financial assistance.
For more information, contact:
Mackenzie Clift
Project Coordinator, The Disparities Solutions Center
Massachusetts General Hospital
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 1600
Boston, MA 02114
Phone: (617) 724-4613